Gift Catcher

Tonight as my husband dashed out in the cold (yep, down in the teens here in Texas again) to check on our finicky hot water heater, I noticed he had slipped a headlamp around his head.

At that same moment I was feeling so overwhelmed by the goodness in my life.  Goodness JUST FROM TODAY!  I was counting gifts.  Wait!!!!That was suppose to be last year’s endeavor!  🙂  So maybe Ann Voskamp is right.  A habit.  Giving thanks has become a habit in my life.

Oooooh! It feels so good!

Back to the headlamp…..

As I realized how handy that lamp was attached to my husband’s head, I started to think that I have a desire for  a head gear of sorts.  A camera, a recorder of sorts attached to my forehead, recording these moments.  These gifts.

My mom dancing in the kitchen with my teenagers to  the  “Frozen” soundtrack.

Best little buddies dressing up and giggling uncontrollably.

My niece and oldest daughter playing Mexican Train with my mom at the breakfast table.

Eleven year old hands rolling out homemade pizza dough.

The smile on my nephew’s face when he showed up on my doorstep today.

My parents breaking bread at our dining room table with us TWICE today!

My dad surrounded by three dogs as he sipped coffee on our white couch.

My husband plopped down in front of the fire carefully studying the pages of the scrapbook I created while away this weekend.

My 15 year old niece hopping in the drivers seat this afternoon and driving off with her mom seated close by guiding, teaching her.

The smile on the husband’s face when he walked through the door this evening.

My father singing hymns along with me tonight.

My daughter’s blond braid pulled over her left shoulder.

My other daughter’s curls hanging long and golden on her torso.

My daughter’s feet crossed, gently moving.

The Lad rushing in the living room, freshly showered with wet, uncombed hair.

My husband carrying Little Miss all snuggled up in blankets to her bed.  Yes, she is eleven.  I never want to forget!

So many events that come and go in a blink of an eye.  My creator has gifted me with each and every one.  Today I sit here reflecting on the gifts of PEOPLE.  Memories of each moment are fleeting.  Once again, I am embracing these as gifts.  Gifts indeed.

If I did possess a “gift catcher” maybe these are a few shots that would have been captured…

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