This week the gift of time keeps popping up…

#437  The clock is ticking loudly indicating that our time in Africa is quickly approaching. This is when I treasure EVERY SINGLE MINUTE as a family unit.  True, we go to Africa as a family but our time together is not the same as we know it here in the states.

#438  My principal granted me permission to accompany the fourth grade choir to their contest at a water park.  I did not have to take a personal day AND I  was blessed to spend time with Little Miss and bunches of other fourth graders.

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#439  As Little Miss and I were on a double rider waterslide, I started laughing, showing signs of delight.  My daughter shouted over the flow of water, “Momma, are you really having fun?”  “Yes, sweet one.  YES!  YES!  YES!”  I received the gift of fun that day at the waterpark.  I resist allowing fun to enter my mothering these days.  By the time I am home and am mom, my fun cycle is OVER!  It is a sad, sad fact BUT  my children are FUN and the Lord has given us so many fun experiences to share together.

#440  I am so happy that in the midst of this CRAZY spring season, my children bring me JOY!

#441  My precious man had to make a hard decision this week.  He chose wisely and spent the entire day with Little Miss on her very last elementary school field trip.  These are bittersweet days and I hate to imagine both of us missing them.

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Not a single picture of the husband!

#442  A potentially crazy day ended up delightfully pleasant.

#443  Have a I mentioned how much we love the small town school district we call home??  The Lad and Pumpkin were on the honor roll so they earned a day at Six Flags.  More fun!!!

#444  I made a decision to not make scrapbooks for my students like I do yearly.  I fretted over it for a while but after numerous computer issues, I had to surrender.  You can’t imagine how much weight was taken off of my shoulders this week!!!  Now I can have fun with my kids before heading out of the country for the summer!

#445  Walking after school with a few co-workers.  Why did we not start this sooner?!?!!

One Comment

  1. Ella Tracy
    Posted May 17, 2013 at 7:36 am | Permalink

    So glad to hear about all the activities – and so very glad that you all had such a great time. Congrats to the Honor Roll recipients! That really indicates a lot of hard work.

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