Monthly Archives: January 2009

I guess you could say it is official

We took the kids to the Post Office yesterday to apply for their passports.  And let me tell you something!  If those offsprings of mine act on our trip to Zambia anything like they did in that small passport office, I just might have to take something.  Something strong.  This Postal worker was quite the […]


I must admit that I take very little time to relax and get refreshed.  It just is not in my routine.  And that routine is pretty rigid around here.  We don’t watch ANY television shows and only an occasional movie.  No moral reason behind that decision (although I am sure if I actually watched one […]

Suspicious Spanish

I haven’t joined in over at Not Before 7 for a while so I thought it was time. A few mornings ago we allowed Little Miss (age 6) to join us for an early morning snuggling.  She was in a rather chipper mood.  And very chatty.  I recall about 18 topics flying around our little […]

Why are they so excited?

                                       It just might have to do with a little rumor about not having school tomorrow.  Actually, it is no rumor at all.  It is true.  Oh dear friends, it is true.  What you do not see in this photo is a momma behind the camera doing a little jig.  Well, it is more like the embarrassing […]

There is something about this man that makes me do just about anything

                                   And I mean ANYTHING.  We are embarking on a whole new journey of  not just saying we trust in God for providing for us but ACTING upon it.  Anyways, who needs a salary when you have a man such as this? Oh yeah!  We do have a few little mouths to feed.  And the bunny.


I am FINALLY excited.  I know it sounds weird but getting excited about the husband’s new “job” has not been automatic.  But what FINALLY did it?  The other evening the two of us had some time alone to chat after the kids were snoozing.  Once again, like EVERY other day since January 5, I asked […]

Second Best

 A few weeks before Christmas our ten year old son insisted on writing and entering the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest hosted by a community organization in a nearby town.  His assignment was to write about someone who lives or works in that town and how they are like Martin Luther King, Jr.  Knowing […]

I would like you to feel sorry for me

But don’t.  Most of the country is off from their respective work places/school tomorrow for MLK day but I, along with our three little darlings, have the privilege of expanding our minds in what we call a typical school day.  Why should you not feel sorry for me?  I had last Friday off.  And the […]

Who Was the Wise Guy who signed the kids up for those blasted electives?

Who was the idiot one that signed up the Lad for Drumline, Pumpkin for Tambourine and Recorder, and Little Miss for Baton/Twirling? It has been rather noisy around here this week.  Somehow Pumpkin sneaked that annoying recorder into the car this evening and “played” along with the radio.  Who allowed that? Oh yeah, I think it […]

The man who came to dinner

The husband and I have been to Guatemala numerous times to minister to orphans.  In fact, we were just about ready to pack up our family and move down there to start an orphanage this fall.  After hours in prayer and much consideration, we decided that it was not the best move for our family.  […]