Category Archives: Teaching the Littles

A day off

sorta! I am attending a training for work today. Of course I find trainings away from school to be a nice break from the routine AND the little people I serve.  Sometimes I go to a dud of one and feel guilty for leaving my aides with a sub.  I am happy to report that […]

A day in the life of yours truly

Somebody recently asked me how on earth I cram everything I do in one day.  My response was that I don’t do near as much as it might seem.  To prove to myself that my days are not too bad, I decided to choose and day and “journal” my activities.   So… is a loose […]

A purpose

My teaching job is a calling but it is also labeled a “job” for obvious reasons.  It provides insurance, pays the bills, puts our kids in a good school district, etc. in return for me to carry out tasks that I have accepted and agreed to complete.  As everyone fully knows, a job can simply […]

October! Really?

According to the calendar it is now October.  Yikes!  School has been in session for six weeks now and we are all getting into some sort of a routine.  Well, then we had a little sickness floating around here.  A lot of flu going around at our school but I am not certain if that […]

First Day

The first day of school was a success!  Despite Mom being exhausted (waking up early, teaching two dozen preschoolers all day and THEN sitting for an hour in the brutal Texas sun doing carpool duty might have something to do with that), the kids all had a good experience on their first day.  Little Miss […]

Apparently I forgot

I like to think that I vividly remember the birth of all my children, esp. my firstborn.  I remember the names of the nurses, what I packed in the suitcase, and of course every detail of that 32 hour ordeal.  I also remember thinking, “Maybe I don’t want to do this after all.”  All the […]