Monthly Archives: May 2013

Rainy evening

#509 The children and I were about to settle down and watch a movie during the rain storm this evening.  Due to a power outage, we ended up playing games, cuddling on the couch and then catching fireflies out front.  I even chatted with our new neighbor.  An unexpected evening but a good one. #510 […]


#508  Fun Gran and her five grandchildren!   Not to mention she is an amazing mother-in-law too!!!


#507 All five grandchildren crowded around grandaddy listening to S.O.S. by Abba.  Priceless!

Gifts Found in Little People

My profession is all about LITTLE PEOPLE! #504 Honesty!  I have had children tell me all sorts of things. Typically this a very innocent and wonderful trait but there are times you have to shake your head and laugh!  Years ago while I was teaching in Maryland,  I sent my class on a scavenger hunt […]

Gifts from my Childhood

#501 A sibling #502 Time on my grandparents’ farm.  I learned so much about working hard and loving when the going gets tough.  My Mamaw and Papaw were two amazing, Godly people. #503 A second chance.  I had a severe speech impairment so several of my teachers wrote me off fairly quickly as not being […]


#489 26 minute Skype call with the husband.  Technology is my friend!!! #490 The husband slept 9 straight hours through the night.  That is a huge gift as he adjusts to the time difference. #491 Scratching my son’s back during worship service.  Every time I stopped he would reach for my hand indicating he wanted […]

Counting my gifts while visiting family in Houston…

#476 Time with cousins! #477 Ease of going to Target to stock up on things needed for our time in Zambia. #478 Friendly cashier at Target interested in our mission work in Zambia, Africa. #479 I was able to enjoy time alone with Pumpkin shopping this morning.  She is growing up to be such a […]

Happy Happy Happy

We have been on a Duck Dynasty kick lately so of course I will quote Phil .  Tonight as the husband was washing dishes (yes, I told you I was happy happy happy), he called me over to the sink.  “Look at our new friends.”  He said.  There in our yard were to wandering ducks.  Keep […]

This week the gift of time keeps popping up…

#437  The clock is ticking loudly indicating that our time in Africa is quickly approaching. This is when I treasure EVERY SINGLE MINUTE as a family unit.  True, we go to Africa as a family but our time together is not the same as we know it here in the states. #438  My principal granted […]

Gifts found in my mother

The joy of seeing her as NANA to these 8 wild monkeys… I love my mother’s touch, esp the feel of her small, gentle hands. My mother’s willingness to HELP ME IN ANY WAY is truly the backbone to keeping me sane while being a working mom. My mother is an amazing, loyal, and humble […]